Wednesday, April 29, 2009
May 5, 7-10pm, at Fess Parker's, on the beach, 633 E. Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo by bringing everyone you've ever wanted to give a taste of the Forum: Jason's the best! If you've never done the Forum, come find out what all the buzz is about! Take a stand for what's most important to you, and for what and who you love. Viva nuestra comunidad!
Please forward this invite to everyone on your list who would want to know about it!
Map to Fess Parker's:,0,5090692365174411771&fb=1&split=1&gl=us&dq=fess+parker%27s+santa+barbara&daddr=633+East+Cabrillo+Boulevard,+Santa+Barbara,+CA+93103&geocode=344548798898083250,34.416942,-119.677256&ei=9SbtScv4LIvCMqesuOsP&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=directions-to&resnum=1
Friday, October 10, 2008
Bob Parsons to lead Central Coast Possibility Posse!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Next CCPP Team Meeting: Sep 30, 6-8pm
CCPP Meeting, September 2, 2008, 6 to 7:30p, Bob Parson’s house
Attending: Bob Parsons, Dan Ringwald, Craig Dobbin, Nancy Black
Craig declares a breakdown in attendance for the CCPP. Conversation around leadership for this group; noticing that it’s missing to have someone accountable for the group.
Actions: Dan and Nancy will meet next week to put a Central Coast site together. They’ll look at a Yahoo group, Facebook, Google calendars, and the blog.
Agenda today: Find out about possible locations for a future SELP classroom. Bob will call regarding GVCC. Craig has been asked to be City Coach of SELP leaders, accountable for all LA SELP leaders, and is considering this. Nancy will send list of possible locations and contacts to Bob, and will check out the Carpinteria Best Western.
Next meeting, September 30, 2008, 6 to 8pm: Nancy will invite for this meeting, at which we will align on a leader for this group, as well as present location opportunities for a possible Central Coast SELP. Craig will propose a possible schedule within the next month to LA. We will discuss supporting this future SELP and the upcoming October Forum.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Last Meeting Notes & Next Meeting
Meeting Notes
The CCPP met on Tuesday August 5th at the home of Bob Parsons.
Present were: Bob, Dan Ringwald, Craig Dobbins, Claire Gottsdanker, Elaine Clayson, Sean Mason, Andrea Dominic and Kathleen Morris.
The purpose for the meeting was to continue the conversation for the future of Landmark Education on the Central Coast.
The intended results:
1. To have deepened our relationship as community.
2. To have identified the actions we will take to have the Landmark Curriculum here in our community.
3. To have identified our next steps.
4. To have set the next meeting of the CCPP.
The next Landmark Forum will have 100 participants in their seats. October 17, 18, 19, 21. Do we have a location?
We continued the conversation for the SELP to be here in our community by March of 2009 and what it will take to bring it here. Bob Parsons agreed to be the point person to find a suitable location to hold an SELP, and we made plans to create a budget and location so that when we approach the Center about scheduling a local SELP we are prepared. Any thoughts or suggestions about a location to host the SELP should be directed to Bob.
Andrea Dominic will host a Community Gathering on October 12th, at her home in Summerland. Time? Invitations to be designed.
We spoke about having an information table at the seminar with current events here in the CC as well as opportunities in LA., and opportunities to assist in the Central Coast, in the LF, seminar etc.
The next meeting is on September 2nd, 6-8 pm, Site: Bob Parsons home.
Please invite anyone you know interested in participating in expanding the curriculum here and the possibility of having a work space here on the Central Coast.
See you on the 2nd.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Our Next Meeting August 5th From 6pm to 8pm
Our next meeting is:
Date: August 5th
Bob Parsonas Home
Address: 703 Cathedral Pointe Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Home: 805-964-1176
Time: 6-8PM
Take 101 thru SB to Patterson Avenue
Turn north, toward the mountains
Go 1/2 mile to Cathedral Pointe
Turn left into Cathedral Pointe development
Onto CPL
703 is the 2nd house on the left
Cathedral Oaks.
See you there!
Monday, June 23, 2008
We made the Central Coast Visioning meeting at this date to plan a meeting with the upcoming Forum's leader, for Monday, June 30.
The meeting is set for tomorrow, June 24, from 6:30 to 8:30pm at my house: 405 Santa Anita Rd., SB, CA 93105.
Here's a Google map
Please invite anyone you know who would like to be a part of that conversation, around creating what's possible for the Central Coast area.
Thanks for everything that you already do to light up our particular part of the universe,NancyNancy BlackEditor, Mercury Press International